- To what extent do you think you have achieved each of the learning outcomes for Week 5? If you think there is room for you to achieve these more fully, how could you do that?
Integration means augmentation. In simple words, it means to add up or join together as a whole. It is the core concept of any system, and it should work as a whole. All the parts should complete each other (system definition).
Our flipped classroom should be viewed as a complete system. The percentage of online and onsite should be based on the nature of the content. There are almost eight types of flipped classroom approaches (https://elearningindustry.com/flipped-learning-classrooms-tools-build-types)
The benefit of the student should be the aim of any flipped classroom integration. It should be mentioned by the management, to state the rationale of any particular tool to be used in the blended learning process. It will help the student to assimilate and relate the diverse learning environment, and internal motivation will increase.
Free resources are a source of great pleasure and help for the students. The integration of online resources is a source of help for the students, and it should be viewed that only related material should be augmented. Minimum necessary books should be attached as an official digital resource.
- What have you learned this week regarding the design of flipped classrooms to support student learning?
This is week 5 critical review and I have successfully launched a flipped classroom. I have launched an online website, developed an online system of class integrated with software. Adding the technology and knowledge into practice. I am following the concept of feedback management and (TQM). It means I have to continuously look into the quality of the software. For this purpose there the quality assurance of software system is an integral part.
The availability of teacher is an important part in students’ satisfaction. Quality feedback is necessary. Learning from bloom’s concept knowledge, application to analysis is done this week. I reflected my entire system as a whole. I asked myself a question. Is my system integrated as a whole? The answer of this question is to be taken from two personalities. One is system analysts and the other is from user perspectives. The test run of my flipped classroom was a successful run. The need of continuous improvement is always there in a software environment.
- What does all this suggest about the ways you and your colleagues are currently supporting your students learning, in your own practice and teaching context? What does it suggest that is currently good about this, and about how it could be further developed in the future?
My firsthand experience is that students want downloadable access to online podcasts, and universities are giving online videos only. Maybe, they are adopting this approach to preserve their content from infringement. To understand students’ perspective, they want access to podcasts. This issue can be solved by allowing videos to be downloaded. The other issue students are facing is that they wish to have downloadable access to digital resources, and they feel distracted from online interruptions from the signing in again and again. The goals of the weekly assignments are over-simplified; they need to be more elaborative and more exclusive for the inclusive learning of the students.
- How has your understanding of how to use a flipped classroom approach changed from doing this week’s topic and activities?
My understanding is evolving week by week by reading digital resources and by surfing the legal content on the internet. The horizon of the flipped classroom is continuously expanding, and intricacies are finding its place in my mind. Technology inspires people but should benefit souls. The core of the integration of technology is to help the thoughts taking benefit from it.
This concept of the flipped classroom should benefit students in their academics (Abeysekera & Dawson, .2015). I am supporting my argument from The Official Survey from the University of Lleida Office of Quality (ENCUDL).it is a longitudinal study and its states that
“The professor has an in-depth knowledge of the contents of the subject, and he is able to pass on his training and his teaching skills to students. Additionally, he cares about students and their performances and provides useful material.” (EST1-ENCUDL)
“The methodology of this course allows for: (1) studying at one’s own pace, which reduces students’ pressure and allows them to study in a much more relaxed and motivated way; (2) easy access to the contents of the course; (3) collaborative teamwork; (4) accurate assessment process, which not only makes students learn enough to pass the course but also and most importantly, it makes them acquire new knowledge and skills; (5) In my opinion, this is a class experience that should be repeated and generalized.” (EST19-CUES)
Flores, Ò., del-Arco, I., & Silva, P. (2016). The flipped classroom model at the university: analysis based on professors’ and students’ assessment in the educational field. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 13(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-016-0022-1
The above points covered in the highlighted quoted section tells the whole story.
- How did you learn this?
This review of critical reflection consists of memory of 5 weeks. All the experiments of 4 weeks helped me to make a flipped classroom. This week is the week of feedback management. Apart from secondary research, I applied primary research for this project to study the integrity of this flipped classroom. I took feedback from all the students, so I used 360- feedback. It helped me a lot this week. A lot of citations mentioned in this CRJ are secondary researches, which helped me in my process of integration. So, digital resources helped me a lot in this process.
- What supported your learning?
Free resources are a source of great pleasure and help for the students. The integration of online resources is a source of help for the students, and it should be viewed that only related material should be augmented, and minimum necessary books should be attached as an official digital resource. Tools should facilitate learning; it should not make it difficult to learn.
The novelty of flipped classrooms and myriad variables to be researched surprised me. There is a lot of software, and innovation in technology is depleting the novelty of soft wares within weeks. We have to take a decision keeping because of our stakeholders and potential consumers of the system. In the wake of innovation, we cannot make our old professors a rebellion of this technology, and abrupt changes in the virtual learning environment are not suitable for student conservation and student retention. So, the idea is to make the system learning-friendly not showy or tech-savvy (YouTube. (n.d.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVeB1DtOV0w).
- What has surprised you?
In this era of hybrid learning, everyone is going online. I learned that whatever is the height of technology, technology is the means of teaching, not the end. The benefit of the student should be the aim of any flipped classroom integration.
My surprise came when I watched a video when a teacher said that he managed to change the theory base classroom to a project-based class. So, the analytical skills in devising a course is the core in the integration of a flipped classroom (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDlnOlhgkhopEwGdKSOMdQ)
- How does this relate to what has been proposed in different sources of scholarship that you have read recently? Which specific sources and what specific claims does this relate to?
It should be mentioned by the management the rationale of any particular tool to be used in the blended learning process. It will help the student to assimilate and relate the diverse learning environment, and internal motivation will increase.
The following website helped me in jotting down my learning into a complete form (https://www.tituslearning.com/flipped-classroom-8-tips-make-work-students/)
We should customize the learning of students. Not all students need 80 percent online or 80 percent onsite content. On the basis of research, groups should be made, and learning should be research-based.it should accompany parents, teachers, management and software developers or tech staff on board because this is a collective effort and no one can do it alone.