
Firstly, the concept of blended approach of e learning was blurry to me. Before study literature I did not ever consider about it. Because I used to think that if you are in traditional learning environment you only act according to that. Vice versa if you adopt online learning you only follow the online protocol. But when came to know that you can use both in your teaching and learning approach, I was much surprised. It was the key answer to many questions. Blended approach assures you that using mix and match you can design a healthy learning environment. The digital resource particularly Litllejohn and Peglar, 2007 is much helpful to understand this concept.

The second most useful thing while studying flipped classroom is ‘E-tivities’ (Salmon G, 2013). This is also a worthy resource to understand the application of E-tivities framework. It is much actionable framework if you want to increase mobility in your learning. This framework assures that user is not to be bound geographically to learn. The major expenditure of reserving a big building with multiple rooms, maintenance cost and many other expenses could be reduced with the help of this framework (Salmon G, 2013). This was the most appealing thing to me. Flipped classroom is a flexible approach for teacher as well as student. I learn how effective intervention works for better quality. (Macdonald J, 2008). I learn why lectures have bad reputation for his passiveness (Stein and Graham, 2014). I read the John Medina’s Ten-minute lecture (Medina, 2008). While designing the flipped classroom, I have learnt many technologies.

It seems bit odd that during the design of podcast, I listen many podcast on YouTube about random topic. This is not regarding to pedagogy theories but listening how they people convey their message. By observing their views and reading comments I realized which podcast has an impact on people. I did my research by reading and observing podcasts. I also familiarize the very impressive concept of ‘Informal Mobile Podcasting and Learning Adaption’ or IMPALA model (Salmon G, 2008). This model offers much flexibility like time, location, pace etc. I wonder to learn about personal features of speaker’s voice has an impact on listeners (Manning, 2005). Listeners feel less isolated while listening something. What I learn as a practitioner is how to record podcast so that you can facilitate your student. I also find it much flexible approach in blending e learning.  While I was designing the podcast, I wanted to know the feedback of that podcast. So that I designed it and put an activity of assessment there. So, I can measure the productivity and effectiveness of this activity. The assessment result was quite fine. I realized how this design activity is effective and source of engagement for student. I learn many things during the recording podcast. I learn how to improve sound quality, what are disturbing noise in recording sound. In future if I will record postcard, I will consider the environment to improve my podcast sound quality.

The finest part of this module which I like the most is blending approaches. When I able to distinguish between online learning and traditional online learning, now I’m prepared to practice pedagogical theories I learnt from this module. First theory I practice breaking the stereotype of traditional learning method and improve it committed to improve it with the blended approach. As UK higher education tutor are hesitating to practice the blended system (Britain and Liber, 2004) I am afraid of it. But when I learn that this is not the problem which is facing by me only. After that to adopt affective blended learning, three factors came into my knowledge (MacDonald, 2006). The first one is the purpose of the learning. Throughout our PGCHE journey we are aware about objectives and learning outcomes. This factor is directly connected or dependent on these things. As far as your learning purpose is clear the effectiveness will be increases. The second one is the context of learning. Every student or learner has its own leaning capacities and cognition abilities. This depends on student’s work experience or educational background. The third one is approach to teaching and learning. This is directly linked to teacher or practitioner. By reading the literature on it, I realize approach of the teaching is improved day by day. As practitioner or for improving our teaching approach we must practice and experiment new thing. These theories of pedagogy I practice in my own classes. I take which practice become more productive in my case. 

So far, I learn that to assess the quality of learning and institutional experience, there are three key factors. These key factors are Effectiveness, engagement and efficiency (Stein and Graham, 2014. My understanding on these things is it increased the productive rate if these things are addressed. Many tools are helpful to proceed many activities. I found the concept of information handling (Conole and Fill, 2005). This very descriptive task and many things become simpler when I adopted this. I gather information and store it in an order. By ordering this information, I can classify this information. By classifying the information, I realize that much future work is secured. No need to do a ton of work in coming days. Because this is the most crucial task. Because all your future decisions rely on it. After that analyzing and manipulating information occurs. What I learn from this, the information has it core responsible role in this system. So, in future I decided to launch my website or online portal to engage my student there and save their information in easy and accessible format. 

I found many helpful techniques and tools for online learning. I conduct online class for my students on google classroom. My class was of thirty minutes. After that twenty minutes for the question answer sessions. I found this method very constructive for online approach. Students note down their questions during the lecture and after that they ask their practitioner. I found learners happier with that because they do not need to bother to come in a building. While exploring the tools for online learning, I found very interesting platform. This platform deals with all the academic management. Moodle is website where you can start your own virtual campus. It is a wonderful and much flexible platform. By reading Beetham and Sharpe 2013, I realize the need of technology in pedagogy. As early ages no need to address these issues. Because technology was not so evolved yet. But with the pace and need of time this prevail in almost all areas. Pedagogy is also an area effected by technology. 

As we know, by advent of technology and social media, how much awareness of technology is increased (Preece and Shneideraman, 2009). It plays a vital role for learning new things. A good approach to consider wide range of option that consider everything as an opportunity to learn (Wenger et al., 2009). When I about to record a session, I thought that how can I able to understand all the tool to make my video better. I must hire someone to do work for me. For example, to edit a video a tool is required for trimming, color correction and optimization of video sizes. With the research in slight manner, I able to do all these tasks by myself own. Thanks to the technology. I Google some terms, watched some YouTube stuff and able to do editing. By researching about the tools, I also came to know a variety of tools with various features. 

What I have learnt from this module, I mention in my overall summary. I practice these things in my own classes. Nowadays the whole world facing COVID-19. We observe how this e learning is much effective in this kind of disaster. The world is jam, but online system is working with his flow. What I found most worth learning things that virtual environment is much productive. 

I also address some future work in my overall summary. But the major thing I want to do in future is that I shall launch my own virtual campus. This virtual campus will design on blended approach. I can facilitate the student with no geographical boundary. I am also concerning to enhance quality of my recorded material. 


  1. Littlejohn, A. and Pegler, C. (2007) Preparing for blended e-learning. Routledge, London.
  2. Stein, J. and Graham, C., 2014. Essentials For Blended Learning.
  3. Macdonald, Janet (2006). Blended Learning and Online Tutoring: A Good Practice Guide. Aldershot, UK: Gower.
  4. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 2007. Open learning and e‐learning. 22(1), pp.1-4.
  5. Oliver, R., 2001. Teaching And Learning Online: A Beginner’s Guide To E-Learning And E-Teaching In Higher Education. Edith Cowan University. Centre for Research in Information Technology and Communications.
  6. Jaques, D. and Salmon, G., 2008. Learning In Groups: A Handbook For Face-To-Face And Online Environments. New York: Routledge.
  7. Littlejohn, A., 2003. Littlejohn, A. (2003) Re-Using online resources: a sustainable approach to e-learning. Chapter 1: Seven issues in the reuse and sharing of Online Resources. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2003.
  8. Bonk, C. and Zhang, K., 2008. Empowering Online Learning
  9. Williams, Paprock and Covington, 1999. A Paradigm Shift in Distance Education. A Paradigm Shift in Distance Education: Web 2.0 and Social Software.